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Dr. Blues



Regular price $ 1,200.00
Regular price $ 1,500.00 Sale price $ 1,200.00
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Breco's original AMINOPLEX - Dr Blues.

It is the #1 selling conditioning agent in the world for competition birds, unmatched in formulation and performance.

It can be used with any other medication or supplement. Aminoplex is used as a general conditioning agent for nutritional improvement or for anemia conditions.

Each ml. contains 1,000 mg. of vitamin B12, iron, liver, Electrolytes, B Complex and other essential vitamins and enzymes to feel good and have good health.


The initial dose is ½ ml. to 1 ml. depending on the conditions of the animal, considering an increase of ¼ to ½ ml. once a week until you notice an improvement or until the day before the competition.

On the day of the competition, inject ¼ ml. regardless of when the last application was made.

All applications must be made on the breast.

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